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GALCIT 75 Anniversary Celebration




Celebration Committee

Irwin Alber (PhD '67)
William F. Ballhaus* (PhD '47)
Donald R. Beall
Joseph V. Charyk* (PhD '46)
Charles Elachi (PhD '71)
Fernando L. Fernandez (PhD '69)
Richard Heppe (Eng '47)
Denny R. S. Ko (PhD '69)
John W. Lucas
Alexis C. Livanos (PhD '75)
Ruben F. Mettler* (PhD '49)
William H. Pickering (PhD '36)


International Committee

Martin Brouillette (PhD '89), Canada
Sebastien Candel (PhD '72), France
Hendrik Hoeijmakers (Eng '74), Netherlands
Giancarlo Losi (PhD '90), Italy
Jose R. Simoes-Moreira, Brazil
Roddam Narasimha* (PhD '61), India
Thomas Rösgen (Phd '84), Switzerland
Bernd Trebitz (PhD '82), Germany
Gregoire Winckelmans (PhD '89), Belgium
Fenggan Zhuang (PhD '50), China


* Distinquished Caltech Alumnus


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Dear GALCIT Alumni and Friends of GALCIT:

We are formally marking our 75th Anniversary this year, and we hope you will come join us for the celebration!

What: GALCIT 75 Anniversary Celebration
When: Friday, November 14 - Saturday, November 15, 2003
Where: California Institute of Technology

We have planned two days of events---presentations, tours, panel discussions, social gatherings---capped with a Gala Celebration Dinner at the Athenaeum on Saturday evening featuring Paul Bevilaqua (Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company, Advanced Development Projects) as the guest speaker. But don't miss Friday's festivities, including an informal dinner particularly for alumni to catch up with each other, and an Open House with Lab Tours in the afternoon. There will also be a companion's program on Saturday; there are a limited number of spaces left for the Getty Museum trip.

Scheduled speakers on Saturday's program include:

Brian Cantwell (PhD '76)
Petros Koumoutsakos (PhD '92)
Stelios Kyriakides (PhD '80)
Hans Mark
Raul Radovitzky (PhD '98)

On Saturday afternoon, there will be a panel discussion with Sebastien Candel (PhD '72), Yuan-Cheng (Bert) Fung* (PhD '48), Paul MacCready* (PhD '52), Roddam Narasimha* (PhD '61), Tom Tyson (PhD '67), and Max Williams* (PhD '50).

There will also be a special satellite symposium on Friday the 14th dedicated to Contemporary Research in Solid and Structural Mechanics, hosted by Professor G. Ravichandran, and featuring L. Catherine Brinson (PhD '90), Weinong Chen (PhD '95), Xiaomin Deng (PhD '90), Pradeep Guduru (PhD '01), Gilbert Hegemier (PhD '64), Sridhar Krishnaswamy (PhD '89), Adrian Lew (PhD '03), Ken Liechti (PhD '80), Hongbing Lu (PhD '97), Jean-Francois Molinari (PhD '01), Ramarathnam Narasimhan (PhD '87), K. Ravi-Chandar (PhD '82), and Tony Waas (PhD '88).

Register for the event on-line to let us know if you (and your spouse or guest) will be attending.

Looking forward to seeing you in November!


---The GALCIT Faculty

Donald E. Coles, Fred Culick, Paul Dimotakis, Morteza Gharib, Hans Hornung, Wolfgang Knauss, Anthony Leonard, Hans W. Liepmann, Frank E. Marble, Michael Ortiz, Dale Pullin, Guruswami Ravichandran, Ares Rosakis, Anatol Roshko, Joseph Shepherd, Homer Joseph Stewart


Graduate Aeronautical Laboratories
1200 E. California Blvd., Mail Code 205-45, Pasadena, CA 91125
Telephone: (626) 395-4514

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